The write-offs are to reduce the mortgage burden of survivors and help reconstruction efforts in Sichuan, the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC) said in a statement on its website. 中国银监会在其网站声明中表示,核销呆账是为了减轻受灾群众的债务压力同时帮助四川重建。
Learning from the hierarchic theory of burden of proof in Anglo-American law system, we can reform the burden of proof in using torture to coerce a statement and find a way to inhibit using torture to coerce a statement. 借鉴英美法系的证明责任分层理论,对刑讯逼供案件的证明责任分担进行再改造,是遏止刑讯逼供的一条思路。
External Finance, Farmers 'Burden and Government Power Justice& the statement of the reform and rural tax 制度外财政、农民负担与政权合法性&对农村税费改革的一个解释